(Disclaimer: This post will be updated weekly and sometimes daily because it just feels so good to do so, scroll down for the latest entries ......)
This is a post that's been sitting in the back of my brain for a couple of days..... It's just a simple idea about what I believe and I want to update it as much as I can, just add to it as I go, as I live and I hope others will come here and share their lives as well..... I would really like to know what you believe or as Oprah says, "What do you know for sure?" As we get older, we still continue to grow and to refine....We change and hopefully we live a life that helps us to become more of ourselves. Do you feel more comfortable in your skin? I know that since I've been spending time, quieting my mind and meditating, I am and I feel more relaxed. I'm calmer and life is just becoming one of more and more ease......ahhhhhhhhh! I meditate because I believe that it helps me to live a life of beauty, abundance and one that is full of ease and joy! 10/17/17
Looking up at red maple leaves against a blue sky on a
beautiful Autumn day in October in the MidWest!
10/19: Because I believe......
that I can choose to feel love and joy every single day. I can open my mind and feel the love of my creator just by gazing into nature....
The turning of the leaves in October 2017 in the MidWest!
10/20 Because I believe...... We can experience joy each and everyday, no matter what is going on....
Beautiful Trees captured in October 2017. Welcome to Fall!
10/22/2017: Because I believe in the power of free will and we always have the power to choose.
We can either live as if life is heaven or hell! It seems to me that one choice is positively and unequivocally better than the other!
Walking along and I see these beauties on October 21, 2017!
10/23: Because I believe that we all can live in a happy place!
Sandpiper Cranes near my house in what appears to be one of their "happy places."
A little something extra today..........so good, watch video below:
Because I believe that life is suppose to be fun and lived with ease. Somewhere along the line, this whole adventure becomes convoluted. If only, we'd look more to nature, to little kids or to the voice within..........
Because I believe that earning online can be easy and fun!
There are many ways to earn online and I prefer to make it easily and with as much fun as I can! If you like to browse or surf the net, you might as well make money while you do it......
Your "vortex" as described by Abraham Hicks is the place where you are connected to your Source Energy and/or Being (you may call this God, Universe, Creator). So when the vortex is described, it is all about alignment and your connection to something Higher. When you are in your vortex, you are in alignment with who you really are.
Great Highlights focusing on the feeling that you can conjure when thinking about, feeling or being in the"vortex" start at 17:35.
The love of the Creator surrounds me, dwells within me, goes before me and smooths the way for me. ~Louise Hay
Before there was "The Secret," there was a company called Hay House, founded by a woman who was thrust quite unexpectedly into a movement that she would lead and come to be associated with for decades. It was called, "positive thinking," "self-help," alternative medicine, quackery, foolishness and many other names with positive and negative connotations. That woman, was none other than Louise Hay and she basically studied and changed her own life before encouraging all of us that, we indeed, could do the same. We were all, indeed, connected to a higher power, to something bigger and that influence could propel us above any minor ailments, challenges or obstacles that we were currently maximizing, feeling or experiencing. We could and can actually change our lives when we change our thoughts.
"Several times throughout the day I let go of limited identities and remind myself of who I really am--a Divine, magnificent expression of life, created by a loving and infinite Intelligence." ~Louise Hay
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Hay was a visionary. She helped individuals suffering with AIDS, long before it was fashionable or acceptable to do so and shortly thereafter, she became the face and name of a movement that gave hope to the hopeless as well as those who held impoverished minds and spirits. "One day, I discovered magic. If I could really love myself, really love myself, incredible miracles would occur in my life. " Louise Hay
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Many years ago, I read her best-selling book, "You Can Heal Your Life" and I was ever grateful to know that I could control my thought patterns and that anything that I focused on would expand. I also learned that "loving myself" was not vain or selfish but was necessary if I ever wanted to succeed or realize any of my dreams. Those concepts have forever changed my life. We are indeed masters of our own fates, connected to a Power, a Being and a Knowing that is bigger than anything we can see and one that will lead us through and above anything.
"My relationship with myself is eternal so I choose to love and accept myself and to talk to myself as I would to a beloved person in my life. ~Louise Hay
If you have never heard of Louise Hay, do yourself a favor and google her, visit the Hay House website or pick up one of her incredible books. You will not be disappointed and will probably feel a little lighter in doing so!
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Although she is physically gone, her spirit and her work will live on forever.
Not just abundance of wealth, but the abundance of Spirit.
May we see the infinite abundance that is at our fingertips.
May we see that abundance, not just as money, but as abundant opportunities to serve others, to guide others, to inspire others and to lend a helping hand to those in need.
May we learn the power of small steps and tiny habits.
May we take just one small step towards the direction of our dreams today.
May we embrace each day with ease and love and joy.
May we seek our inner spirit and being, where you reside and nudge and encourage and love.
May we realize that we are worthy, loving and deserving human beings.
May we spread so much light that we hurt our own eyes.
May we love for the sake of loving and give for the sake of giving.
May we trust that we have all been endowed with something awesome that only we can give and share with the world.
May all of your steps today be inspired and inspiring!
User Friendly Inspiration: Wondering and Wandering
“Far away in the sunshine are my highest inspirations. I may not reach them, but can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead.”
~Louisa May Alcott
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Question, what can we fantasize about achieving in life beyond the ordinary, beyond what we currently see?
It all starts in the imagination, in our minds and it all starts with our thoughts.
What kinds of thoughts are we replaying everyday in our heads?
Are we operating on automatic or are we taking time everyday to consciously focus on those things that actually matter in our lives? It’s makes a difference.
What do you image in your mind or tell yourself?
Are you complaining? Are you constantly talking about how hard it is to make ends meet and then wonder why this condition keeps showing up in your life?
You are creating it with your powerfully focused attention on that condition.
It is because you image it and remind yourself daily and it is so.
In your mind, do you see things working out or not.
One of my favorite mind mantras is, “Everything always works out for me. I just know that everything always works out for me.” I find these statements to be more effective than the alternative (like "nothing ever works out for me"). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I never have issues or challenges pop up but I sure move quicker through them than I have ever did before in my life. I’m sorry, life is too short to dwell in the negative, to give my power to anything that will drag me down to the gutter. I prefer to look and reach up as quickly as possible and connect to source.
There are many ways to connect to source (God, the universe, the creator or any other name that you prefer. Here are a few of my favorites.
1) 15 minute meditation. There are some quick and easy ones available on YouTube or you can choose to sit in a chair and focus on a sound, or a hum (refrigerator, birds outside) that will help you clear your mind and just focus. Sometimes, if I am having trouble of just clearing my mind, I will silently state, “Thank you, thank you, thank you” and it helps to calm and focus me.
2) Prayer. Written (silent) or Affirmed (out loud) always helps you to recognize and acknowledge a Higher Power (as well as help you to reconnect to source).
3) Going for a walk, getting outside in Nature. As the weather breaks, it’s much easier for us in 4 season states to begin to enjoy the blossoming of Spring and revel in the newness of another season (puts our lives and worlds in perspective).
4) Journaling can help you get your thoughts out and allow you to clear your head. Some individuals also use their writing to consult and talk to Source. I like making daily gratitude lists so that I acknowledge all of the expected and unexpected good that comes into my life.
5) Music. Music is a wonderful way to get uplifted and for some a way to connect to Source. I personally love inspirational songs that help me remember that I’m strong, I’m possible and created to soar!
We have been given a powerful gift that we can use for our benefit or detriment. When we choose to use our imagination, we realize that we can leap, create, accomplish any thing that our heart desires. We can begin to see our lives in new and renewed ways. We can see our futures as we have never dreamed them before. We can begin to dwell on these thoughts and create a new life before any one thing changes in our actual physical life but to get to the physical, the stuff, we have to see and believe it in our minds, our imagination. You have to image it and feel it.
What would you like to see or have happen in your life today?
Can you see it? Can you feel what it would be like to have, be or do it?
Is it clear? Write it down. Get into it. Dwell on it. Live it out loud first in your mind. Write down as many of the juicy details as you can. Feel it!
“The body travels more easily than the mind and until we’ve limbered up our imagination, we continue to think as though we had stayed home.”
~John Erksine
"May our bodies take us to spaces and places where our minds
I can't help but smile every time I listen to this video and decided to share it here with you. It could really be called "Basking in His Glory." Once again, Abraham (via Esther Hicks) delivers a powerful way for all of us to get more out of our lives. I love this message and I hope that you do, too!
2) Go outside and move around no matter what the weather. Express appreciation for the things that you encounter in your environment.
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3) Pick 5 subjects and write 3-4 positive aspects about each of them. Go for a page each!
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4) Go to a window or outside, look outward and upward and state the following to the universal force. Call the force by whatever name you use and state...
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"I acknowledge that I am the object of your positive attention and I am appreciating your continual gaze upon my well-being and today, no matter where I am, no matter where I am going, no matter what I am doing and no matter who I am doing it with, I will be in conscious awareness that you too are there with me,
How important is it to control your thoughts, your moods or your vibration?
According to Abraham Hicks, it's everything and we must learn to train ourselves to FEEL GOOD and once we embrace feeling good, everything that we desire flows to us much easier.
Here's a quick video on taking baby steps toward feeling better by using as little as 17 second blocks a day:
One way to feel better everyday is to take a few minutes and create a gratitude list. I bet that you could easily hit 17, 34, 51, 68 seconds and more by just engaging in what is already working in your life.
Check out my post HERE on how to find something, anything to feel good about!
3/25 List of Gratefulness:
I'm thankful for the rain that is turning the almost green grass into pretty green grass!
Hmmmm good, thankful for picking up butter rum syrup for my coffee at Gloria Jeans!
Always grateful for new inquiries and requests for my services, help or work.
What are you thankful for? Share Below.
Are you feeling good?
Not yet, visit the following posts and turn your feeling good seconds into minutes:
Everyday is a day to find something to be thankful for if we open our minds, hearts and eyes to see!
I want to create a place where you and I can share in the bounty that we have (right in front of us) in our lives. So often we take for granted the little things that actually make our lives worthwhile.
India Arie "Little Things"
IndiaArieVevo (YouTube)
We can become so focused on things that are not happening for us or going wrong in our lives that we (sometimes) completely ignore or lose sight of those things that have gone right. When we learn to pay attention to the positive things and/or where we want to go rather than where we have been, we can create the lives that we are yearning for......more good can get in.....
Today (3/24), I am grateful that I was able to get some pleasant walking in outdoors and it did not rain as it had been predicted.
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I love that I was able to work with ease and able to complete a project quickly.
And lastly (for today's post), I'm also thankful that I was able to laugh and joke in the grocery line yesterday with strangers as we all gazed at the beautiful and bright daffodils.
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Want to read some more everyday moments of grace, click below and don't forget to share your moments (in the comments) as well. I can't wait to read and share in your life as well!
My desire is to keep sharing the things, people, ideas and just anything that I am grateful for and to encourage you to do the same. I believe that we are all meant to live full and luscious lives. One way to do that is to begin to appreciate those things that are ALREADY filling us up (some people may think of this idea as "being conscious," "enjoying the moment" or "appreciating the little things").
I just want to make sure that I am savoring and tasting the seconds, moments, hours and days CONSCIOUSLY. It's all too easy for us to go through life on automatic mode and paying way too much attention to who's tweeting what and allowing fear to creep into the recesses of our minds. I didn't sign up for that.
I want to live my life in passion and purpose mode so that even what may seem like mundane things to others, actually have worth and meaning.
I'm ready to live out loud, on point and on purpose, are you?
Here we go:
Moments of Grace: March 22 I'm thankful for things just working out without my heavy involvement,
thankful for checks that still come in the mail with minimal effort from sites like this,
I've decided (once again) to share my moments of everyday grace.
Quite simply, because it feels good and I think feeling good consciously is simply one of the best ways to get the most out of life. My goal is to share three different things that I am grateful for everyday! I hope that others will post the things that they are grateful for so that we can create one big GRATITUDE and LOVE FEST. I believe that what we focus on ---- expands, so this post, which I hope to continue, helps me to give attention everyday to those things that feel good to me. Feeling good helps us to get aligned with our Creator and the more connected I am, the better my life seems to be! Please help me in creating an everlasting overflow of joy and gratitude that occurs in our everyday lives!
Here we go,
Today, Tuesday 3/21, I am grateful for:
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1) Waking up and Feeling Calm.......ahhhhhh
Beautiful: India Arie (Acoustic Soul)
YouTube Video Uploaded by Lies Mia
2) Going to sleep, listening to "Beautiful" by India Arie and "Loving Me" by Jonathan McReynolds (Two of my favorite artists).
Loving Me:Jonathan McReynolds (Life Music)
YouTube Video Uploaded by JonMcReynoldsVevo
3) Clean, fresh air and wild turkeys flurrying about.
User Friendly Inspiration: Being Receptive to Source
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What is a receptive mode and why should I be concerned with it?
A receptive mode is when you allow yourself to be in a state of receiving. Most people don’t realize how their thoughts, feelings, ideas and actions lead to the life that they are living. We want to be attuned or aligned or receptive so that we can live the best life possible, so that we can live our lives to the fullest, to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.
Are you in a receptive mode? What’s the point and how do I get there?
The easiest way to tell if you are in a receptive mode is to examine how you feel.
"When we take a few minutes to examine how we feel and then
decide to work toward something better, it can make a world of difference in your life."
How do you feel?
Are you calm, at peace, happy for no reason, in a state of feeling appreciation or gratitude? If those thoughts feel right? You are in the receptive mode. You are in a state of receiving and to receive.
Are you anxious, nervous, tense?
If these states more accurately describe you right now, then you are not in a receptive mode. You are not yet ready to receive but you can change that around and it starts with being aware of where you are right now.
The main idea/point is to realize that we can align our thoughts and feelings into a state of focusing on and receiving more of what we do want. We have the power to turn away from those ideas and sometimes recurring thoughts that bring us and keep us down and away from our dreams and goals.
The next step is to begin reaching for thoughts that (make you) feel better. No one expects you to go from completely out of control to being happy and joyous but you can always reach for something that feels better.
Sometimes just thinking of something or someone can instantly pull you and your mood in a different direction. We are creators and we have the power to catch a downward spiral and if we are already in the pit, we can climb our way back up and toward the light. The more we realize our ability to control our moods and the more we practice reaching for the things (thoughts) that make us feel good, the better our lives will get.
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Helpful hints:
Sometimes thinking of your child or grandchild can instantly pull you in another direction.
Think about something or someone who makes you laugh.
Turn on or hum some of your favorite music.
Take a minute (or two or five) to step out and gaze at the sky and get some fresh air.
Take a 10-15 minute walk. Movement can work wonders for helping us to relieve stress and turning a moment around.
Exercise or walk/step in place for 1-3 minutes.
Take 1-3 minutes to sit and write a gratitude list. This is one of the easiest ways to get into the receptive mode.For an extra boost, share it on social media.
(All of these ladies have great websites, blogs and/or programs that can help you get on the path to living a fuller and incredible life)
Call someone who always make you laugh or is a source of positivity, good energy or good will.
Sketch, draw or color (give yourself a few minutes to focus on something else)
Meditate or pray.
This list is a small sample of the many things that you can do to turn your mood and your receptivity (to your good) around.
Have more thoughts, please share with me how you get into the receptive mode and how you turn your moods around. I can’t wait to read about it below in the comments.
"I am segment by segment realigning with who I am so that magic happens every time!" ~Abraham Hicks
Courtesy: DTS
Segment Intending Definition by Abraham Hicks:
"I recognize right now where I stand, which is where all of my power is, that I have a set of intentions for here and now and because I want to make the most of this moment which is me meeting source, me meeting my time/space reality.....I'm going stop right now and align with that which I really want."
Courtesy: DTS
We often forget that we are the creators of our lives, but also of our days, of our hours, of our minutes and of our seconds. With segment intending, we get to practice the thoughts that serve us well versus acting unconsciously on automatic, just responding to life. We can decide before we walk in to any situation how we would like for that interaction to work. We can take a moment to think about it, to have some kind of intention about it, instead of just bulldozing in and throwing ourselves directly into the fray or chaos. If we believe that we create our lives with our thoughts, it makes sense to take a moment to set a positive thought-wave toward that which we actually do want. This can also be thought of as taking a moment to align ourselves.
How do we want our mornings to look? Our afternoons? Our days, our weeks? How about our lives? It starts from within and it starts with our thoughts.
My intention with this post is to share with you how I'm making a new and exciting change in my life and that you can too, through the practice of segment intending (if you so choose). My goal is to create more "good" feelings and moments throughout the day everyday. I want to take the time to focus my thoughts on creating the amazing life I want during as many events as I can throughout the day. These events make up our days. These events make up our lives, Our routines, our interactions, our phone calls, our relationships, our work, our projects.....this is the substance of our lives. Basically, my plan is become more intentional in my thoughts and actions.
Courtesy: DTS
I hope that my words serve as an inspiration, a spark, or a balm, or solution or an idea for you. I am choosing to pre-pave, to alert myself and remember that in every single moment I have a choice. In every situation, I can walk in with an intention for good. I can choose to feel good. I can choose how I would like for each event of my day to go. This can be easy and I won't regulate it as another thing to do on my to-do list but as a reminder that I can take a breath before everything. I can take a moment and think, "This is gong to be great. This (_________---you fill in the blank--) can be mutually beneficial and wonderful for both of us." It can be as simple and deciding and making a choice to feel good, to desire good and to "beat the drum" of how I would like for my life to go, of how I would like for my moments to go. We can do this before any new activity, interaction, discussion, phone call or at any point during the day. We can create a new "intentional" habit. Right now, I'm hoping and intending that you are being encouraged as I type these words. My intent is to remind you that you are indeed a creator and you are here to live the most amazing life that you can (and beyond what you can) imagine. My intent is to awaken in you and me the power that we have to create. We are makers! We are charged with love, joy, potential and capabilities! Let's focus on that! As Abraham says below, "I want our time here together to be uplifting for you and for me." The power of directing your thoughts leads to the creation and the direction of your life!
Video: Z. Zeahorse
I have included this YouTube video by Z. Zeahorse on the process of segment-intending from Abraham Hicks to help you learn more about segment-intending and how it can possibly benefit you. Lastly, I hope this post serves as another opportunity or possibility to live as fully as you possibly can. If you decide to do this (or if you already practice this), I would love to hear more about how you incorporate this kind of deliberate intent into your life in the comments below. So much more to come.......
This blog is committed to helping you in your life. It offers choices and possibilities and that's why it's named as such. No matter what, we all have the ability to make our lives meaningful and amazing if we so choose! I believe that we are all here to tap into our own highest level of potentiality.We all are powerful and incredible creators!
The video below is just one of many powerful (Abraham ---Esther Hicks) videos that can help you expand and build your life. It can help you disrupt the negative chatter or self-talk that you might have going on in your head.
Below, I have provided the text from a video created by SecretsOf Universe on You Tube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-93aYiKcXk) which are the words of the incomparable Abraham (via Esther Hicks). I do believe in the power of repetition, affirmations and the force of our self-talk. Many of the statements below can be used and taken for a daily affirmation or a part of a meditation or prayer.
You can live a life full of love, joy and grace. I hope this video and text helps you along your journey.
I decided to transcribe this entire video because I think it's important to hear the words, see the words, say the words, read the words and live the words. You will be presently surprised to see what can happen if you begin to let these words seep into your consciousness. If you begin to recognize your strengths, your beauty and your power, you become unstoppable. We all have self-talk and chatter in our heads; we CAN learn to control it and once we do, we can improve our focus, our behaviors and ultimately our lives.
We can learn to love ourselves as we are.
W can learn to be easier on ourselves.
We can learn to focus in the right direction.
There are many thoughts and ideas here for those with an open mind and those who are ready for real and lasting change.
and since I know that things are always working out for me,
then what other things would I like to define that I would like to be working out for me?
If things are always working out for me, then I want to begin to apply my attention toward the things that i would like to be working out for me.
I want to define more clearly what things I want to be working out for me.
What things?
Not nebulous things, not general things....
What specific things would I like to be working out for me?
What evidence? What would really ring my bells?
What kinds of things would really ring my bells?
I would like to have a confidence about me so that when I'm moving through traffic, I feel guided about where to go.
I'd like to have good timing.
I would like to feel that I'm riding on a cloud or on a magic carpet of momentum.
I would like to feel the universal forces working with me.
I would like to look into the world and have a sense of who I am.
I would like to have a full sense of who I am. I would really like to be so integrated with the fullness of who I am that I'm accepting this world in the fullness of all that it is.
So integrated with the fullness of who I am that I'm accepting this world in the fullness of all that it is.......
I would like to look into this world and I would like to appreciate the components that have been before, that have led to what is right now.
I would like to live in a constant state of appreciation.
I would like to be an uplifter.
I would like anyone who comes into contact with me to benefit as a result of our being together.
I would like to not feel bad when that doesn't happen.
I would like to be in a place where I'm not at my best, where I'm not even close to my best and not beat up on myself for not being at my best because I know that, like the ocean, I have ebb and flow too.
I would like to be completely accepting of myself and everyone else.
I would like to trust in the Law of Attraction and the information that it gives to me.
I would like to live in a constant state of appreciation.
I want to be the being that I am born to be.
I want to be in this physical body and I want to be all that I was born to be.
I want to have fun,
and I want to have clarity,
and I want to feel energy,
and I want to feel good,
and I want to wake up eager for the day.
I want to be the being that I am born to be.
I want to be in this physical body and be all that I was born to be.
I want to have fun,
and I want to have clarity,
and I want to feel energy,
and I want to feel good,
and I want to wake up eager for the day.
I want to sleep good and I want to eat well.
I want others to have that too.
I want everyone to eat well.
I'd like all the little kids to go to bed with a full belly.
I'd like them to know how good they are; I'd like that.
I'd like children to know their value.
I'd like them to know it soon; I'd like them to know it now.
I'd like opportunities to help them know it.
I'd like to move around with them; I like to think about them.
I'd like to shine that light on them.
I'd like to speculate about that; I'd like to pretend that.
I'd like to imagine that; I like to soothe myself with that thought.
I want people to feel good.
I would like people to feel so good that they never feel like taking guns and killing each other.
I would like for them to feel that good.
I'd like them to feel so good; I'd like people to know the value of who they are.
I'd like that.
I'd like to be in a place where I can help people know who they are.
I'd like that.
Don't want it all to come at once, just one at a time.
I'd like to tune into the frequency of who I am and spread the joy of who I am.
I would like to be consistently in my own joy.
I'd like to be a catalyst to helping more people feel good.
I'd like to be someone who's such a catalyst for helping other people feel good that I don't even notice when they don't.
I'd like to be so true to my vibrational frequency that anything that I want is flowing into me and anything that I don't want is flowing out of me, understanding that there will always be contrast to what I am living.
Oh, that's it, I'd like to control my contrasts better.
I'd like to better at inviting the contrast.
I'd like the contrast to come in the form of a question to which I'm seeking an answer, rather than in the form of a problem to which I'm needing a solution.
I'd like the problems of the world to be distant enough from me that I am able to see them in an objective sort-of sense.
I don't want to be swallowed up in the problems. I want to be on the peripheral of the problems.
I want to be out there on the edge of the problems, close enough that I can help to find the solution, but not so I'm wrapped up in the problem that I'm lost in the problem.
I want my cork to be near the surface all the tme, if not bobbng on the surface and never deep in the underbelly of the ocean.
I want to be up there where it's easy to move but even when I'm in that state of what could be called depression, I want to know that even then, it's okay. Help is on the way.
It's okay, help's on the way.
I want to know that source energy is always flowing to me and through me.
Always flowing to me and through me, available all times.
I want to feel alright about not being in the vibrational vicinity of it.
I love knowing that source loves me at all times even when I'm not in the vibrational vicinity of it.
I like knowing that that gaze is never taken from me.
I like knowing that pure positive energy has its gaze upon me at all times.
I like knowing that source is keeping source's promise to me and it is my intention to start right now keeping my promise to myself more of the time.
I love knowing that source loves me at all the time even when I'm not in the vibrational vicinity.
I like knowing that that gaze is never taken from me.
I like knowing that pure positive energy has its gaze upon me at all times.
I like knowing that source is keeping source's promise to me and it is my intention to start right now keeping my promise to myself more of the time.
I'm gonna have way more fun.
I'm gonna look for more reasons to feel good.
I'm gonna take good care of me.
I'm gonna serve myself first and foremost.
I'm gonna tend to my vortex and I'm going to do anything else I have time for.
Well, saying that I'm going to that, I'm probably not going to do that.
But it's gonna be more alright with me when I don't do that.
It's gonna be alright with me more when I don't do that.
I'm not gonna set standards for myself that I can't keep.
But I'm going to do my best to feel good more of the time.
I'm gonna have way more fun.
I'm gonna look for more reasons to feel good.
I'm gonna take good care of me.
I'm gonna take good care of me.
I'm gonna take good care of me.
We have enjoyed this interaction more than words can explain.
You are powerful creators and this has been a powerful group of minds that have come together.
We are appreciating your willingness, not just to be in this room, but to be in this life, not (just) to be in this life, but to be in this world, to be in this universe, to be part of this powerful creative experience of moving forward.
It is our desire and it is our knowing that today, you have come into closer alignment than you've ever been with who you really are, and we revel in that knowing, whether you know it or not, and we anticipate your discovery of the evidence of our knowing in the hours and the days that are before you.
There is great love here for you.
And as always, we remain.......let's see where are we?
In the vortex, in your grid,
In the vortex, in your grid,
In the vortex, in your grid.
In the vortex, in your grid.
In the vortex, in your mind.
In the vortex, in your mind.
In the vortex, in your action.
In the vortex, of your behavior.
In the vortex of your inspiration.
In the vortex of complete and utter appreciation of the life that you breathe into all that is.
There is great love here for you.
We are complete.
The Possibilities are Endless!
Where do you want to go, who
do you want to be?
What do you desire to
do and feel
and see?
"I would like to look into this world and appreciate ALL of the components."