Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Money Experiment

The Invisible Money Experiment has started again in 2020. Please see below how you can join the new and improved version.


7 Day Money Experiment

I love Law Of Attraction (LOA) and money experiments that help us to go beyond our logical minds and tap into our ultimate source, that helps us to vibrate at a higher level. I know that some people may disregard LOA as to “woo-woo” or "too out there" but I believe in keeping an open mind. Pam Grout is an inspirational and travel author who has written a couple of books on these kinds of experiments which help you to open your mind to the splendor and variety of possibilities.

This particular experiment crossed my path via Catherine Behan and she explores the idea of invisible money. Invisible money is money/currency that comes to you when you are aligned. Alignment is about being in tune, being connected to your Inner Being, your Source (God, Creator, the Universe). According to Behan, when we are aligned, we become more relaxed, calmer, more pleasant and hence, we begin to attract more pleasant and desirable experiences, people, ideas (and money).

The 7-Day Money Experiment is designed to help us realize the many ways money can come to us ( it could be in the form of a coupon, gifts--receiving something for free, any money that comes to us unexpectedly or out of the blue---something Ming Chee calls "Blue Money"). The beauty of this trial is its simplicity (making it easy to include in our real, everyday lives). It basically has 3 steps:

1) Set an intention to become aware of and leverage invisible money.
Say it aloud or write it down and feel it and then leave it.
"I intend to become aware and leverage invisible money."

2) Record Everything:
Write down all instances of invisible money (freebies, coupons, unexpected cash, found money, unexpected gifts etc...) that comes your way for a 7 day period, starting today (Wednesday, March 7, 2018) and write down the value, its monetary amount (its worth) ----so for example, if I received a free coffee, it usually costs $3.62, I'd write, Wednesday, 3/7:  "free coffee, $3.62" and would continue everything else that came my way for the day and continue this list and process for the next 7 days.

If you miss a day or forget a day, don't sweat it, just start over, it's only 7 days. Have fun and record!

3) The Why Questions using Afformations:
Based on Noah St. John's book, "Afformations." He asks us to turn challenges or issues into solution-based why questions.  

According to Behan, The simplest way to put this idea into action is to just spend the next 7 days, using the following generic/general Why questions as a mantra:

  • Why is everything getting easier? 
  • Why is this so easy for me?
  • Why is everything getting easier and easier for me?
  • Why am I having such an easy time of it?
  • Why is everything so easy for me today? 

The "Why is it so Easy" mantra helps to focus the mind on ease and that's it- that's the full enchilada!

There are no guarantees of what you will or won't find or how much you will or won't get. Just try it and let's start having fun recording our results. After this posting, I will set the above intention and I'll be recording my daily results, stating the above afformations. My hope is that several others will join me in the fun!
Want even more information?
Check out Catherine Behan's money experiment call:

Stay tuned and check the comments for daily updates!

alignment: being in a physical, felt state of ease, peace and relief, a state that makes you a more powerful and desirable being; being in tune with your higher self, inner being, God, Creator, Source....

invisible money:  the currency/money or gifts that you may receive once you become more aligned on a daily basis; when you are aligned, you become more relaxed, pleasant and desirable—— and you will begin to attract these types of people, situations, ideas and even more money and/or gifts to you.

Will you join me?
Let's have some fun!
Because I believe that all aspects of life should be fun! 


Join the 2020 updated Invisible Money Game and learn more about Catherine Behan by clicking here.
Want more info on Pam Grout, click here 
Want more info on Ming Chee and blue money, click here

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Be You!

"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen." 
 ~Ralph Waldo Emerson