User Friendly Inspiration: Great Love
This blog is committed to helping you in your life. It offers choices and possibilities and that's why it's named as such. No matter what, we all have the ability to make our lives meaningful and amazing if we so choose! I believe that we are all here to tap into our own highest level of potentiality. We all are powerful and incredible creators!
The video below is just one of many powerful (Abraham ---Esther Hicks) videos that can help you expand and build your life. It can help you disrupt the negative chatter or self-talk that you might have going on in your head.
Below, I have provided the text from a video created by SecretsOf Universe on You Tube ( which are the words of the incomparable Abraham (via Esther Hicks). I do believe in the power of repetition, affirmations and the force of our self-talk. Many of the statements below can be used and taken for a daily affirmation or a part of a meditation or prayer.
You can live a life full of love, joy and grace.
I hope this video and text helps you along your journey.
I hope this video and text helps you along your journey.
I decided to transcribe this entire video because I think it's important to hear the words, see the words, say the words, read the words and live the words. You will be presently surprised to see what can happen if you begin to let these words seep into your consciousness. If you begin to recognize your strengths, your beauty and your power, you become unstoppable. We all have self-talk and chatter in our heads; we CAN learn to control it and once we do, we can improve our focus, our behaviors and ultimately our lives.
We can learn to love ourselves as we are.
W can learn to be easier on ourselves.
We can learn to focus in the right direction.
There are many thoughts and ideas here for those with an open mind and those who are ready for real and lasting change.
Words by: Abraham (Esther) Hicks
Video Created by: SecretsOf Universe
Everything is always working out for me.
Everything is always working out for me!
Everything is always working out for me.
Everything is always working out for me.
Things are always working out for me.
Things are always working out for me.
Things are always working out for me.
Everything is working out for me.
Things are always working out for me.
And since things are always working out for me,
and since I know that things are always working out for me,
then what other things would I like to define that I would like to be working out for me?
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If things are always working out for me, then I want to begin to apply my attention toward the things that i would like to be working out for me.
I want to define more clearly what things I want to be working out for me.
What things?
Not nebulous things, not general things....
What specific things would I like to be working out for me?
What evidence? What would really ring my bells?
What kinds of things would really ring my bells?
I would like to have a confidence about me so that when I'm moving through traffic, I feel guided about where to go.
I'd like to have good timing.
I would like to feel that I'm riding on a cloud or on a magic carpet of momentum.
I would like to feel the universal forces working with me.
I would like to look into the world and have a sense of who I am.
I would like to have a full sense of who I am. I would really like to be so integrated with the fullness of who I am that I'm accepting this world in the fullness of all that it is.
So integrated with the fullness of who I am that I'm accepting this world in the fullness of all that it is.......
I would like to look into this world and I would like to appreciate the components that have been before, that have led to what is right now.
I would like to live in a constant state of appreciation.
I would like to be an uplifter.
I would like anyone who comes into contact with me to benefit as a result of our being together.
I would like to not feel bad when that doesn't happen.
I would like to be in a place where I'm not at my best, where I'm not even close to my best and not beat up on myself for not being at my best because I know that, like the ocean, I have ebb and flow too.
I would like to be completely accepting of myself and everyone else.
I would like to trust in the Law of Attraction and the information that it gives to me.
I would like to live in a constant state of appreciation.
I want to be the being that I am born to be.
I want to be in this physical body and I want to be all that I was born to be.
I want to have fun,
and I want to have clarity,
and I want to feel energy,
and I want to feel good,
and I want to wake up eager for the day.
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I want to be the being that I am born to be.
I want to be in this physical body and be all that I was born to be.
I want to have fun,
and I want to have clarity,
and I want to feel energy,
and I want to feel good,
and I want to wake up eager for the day.
I want to sleep good and I want to eat well.
I want others to have that too.
I want everyone to eat well.
I'd like all the little kids to go to bed with a full belly.
I'd like them to know how good they are; I'd like that.
I'd like children to know their value.
I'd like them to know it soon; I'd like them to know it now.
I'd like opportunities to help them know it.
I'd like to move around with them; I like to think about them.
I'd like to shine that light on them.
I'd like to speculate about that; I'd like to pretend that.
I'd like to imagine that; I like to soothe myself with that thought.
I want people to feel good.
I would like people to feel so good that they never feel like taking guns and killing each other.
I would like for them to feel that good.
I'd like them to feel so good; I'd like people to know the value of who they are.
I'd like that.
I'd like to be in a place where I can help people know who they are.
I'd like that.
Don't want it all to come at once, just one at a time.
I'd like to tune into the frequency of who I am and spread the joy of who I am.
I would like to be consistently in my own joy.
I'd like to be a catalyst to helping more people feel good.
I'd like to be someone who's such a catalyst for helping other people feel good that I don't even notice when they don't.
I'd like to be so true to my vibrational frequency that anything that I want is flowing into me and anything that I don't want is flowing out of me, understanding that there will always be contrast to what I am living.
Oh, that's it, I'd like to control my contrasts better.
I'd like to better at inviting the contrast.
I'd like the contrast to come in the form of a question to which I'm seeking an answer, rather than in the form of a problem to which I'm needing a solution.
I'd like the problems of the world to be distant enough from me that I am able to see them in an objective sort-of sense.
I don't want to be swallowed up in the problems. I want to be on the peripheral of the problems.
I want to be out there on the edge of the problems, close enough that I can help to find the solution, but not so I'm wrapped up in the problem that I'm lost in the problem.
I want my cork to be near the surface all the tme, if not bobbng on the surface and never deep in the underbelly of the ocean.
I want to be up there where it's easy to move but even when I'm in that state of what could be called depression, I want to know that even then, it's okay. Help is on the way.
It's okay, help's on the way.
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I want to know that source energy is always flowing to me and through me.
Always flowing to me and through me, available all times.
I want to feel alright about not being in the vibrational vicinity of it.
I love knowing that source loves me at all times even when I'm not in the vibrational vicinity of it.
I like knowing that that gaze is never taken from me.
I like knowing that pure positive energy has its gaze upon me at all times.
I like knowing that source is keeping source's promise to me and it is my intention to start right now keeping my promise to myself more of the time.
I love knowing that source loves me at all the time even when I'm not in the vibrational vicinity.
I like knowing that that gaze is never taken from me.
I like knowing that pure positive energy has its gaze upon me at all times.
I like knowing that source is keeping source's promise to me and it is my intention to start right now keeping my promise to myself more of the time.
I'm gonna have way more fun.
I'm gonna look for more reasons to feel good.
I'm gonna take good care of me.
I'm gonna serve myself first and foremost.
I'm gonna tend to my vortex and I'm going to do anything else I have time for.
Well, saying that I'm going to that, I'm probably not going to do that.
But it's gonna be more alright with me when I don't do that.
It's gonna be alright with me more when I don't do that.
I'm not gonna set standards for myself that I can't keep.
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But I'm going to do my best to feel good more of the time.
I'm gonna have way more fun.
I'm gonna look for more reasons to feel good.
I'm gonna take good care of me.
I'm gonna take good care of me.
I'm gonna take good care of me.
We have enjoyed this interaction more than words can explain.
You are powerful creators and this has been a powerful group of minds that have come together.
We are appreciating your willingness, not just to be in this room, but to be in this life, not (just) to be in this life, but to be in this world, to be in this universe, to be part of this powerful creative experience of moving forward.
It is our desire and it is our knowing that today, you have come into closer alignment than you've ever been with who you really are, and we revel in that knowing, whether you know it or not, and we anticipate your discovery of the evidence of our knowing in the hours and the days that are before you.
There is great love here for you.
And as always, we remain.......let's see where are we?
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In the vortex, in your grid,
In the vortex, in your grid,
In the vortex, in your grid.
In the vortex, in your grid.
In the vortex, in your mind.
In the vortex, in your mind.
In the vortex, in your action.
In the vortex, of your behavior.
In the vortex of your inspiration.
In the vortex of complete and utter appreciation of the life that you breathe into all that is.
There is great love here for you.
We are complete.
The Possibilities are Endless!
Where do you want to go, who
do you want to be?
What do you desire to
do and feel
and see?
"I would like to look into this world and appreciate ALL of the components."
Abraham/Esther Hicks
So true lots of possibilities and choices that are offered for us.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nancy, I hope you were able to get something positive and wonderful from this post!