Monday, August 31, 2015

One of the Greatest: Wayne Dyer!

One of the greatest inspirational and motivational thought leaders, speakers and writers of our time, Dr. Wayne Dyer, passed away last Saturday and I will be featuring some of his quotes on this blog.

I have been deeply inspired and enlightened by him and his teachings of love, forgiveness and growth for many years. I can remember being about 19 years old and venturing out one day after reading a passage from his book, Your Erroneous Zones. That section had something to do with being open and willing to the many possibilities that life can offer you. On that day, as I walked on Lake Michigan and thought about my life, I remember meeting a fly fisherman, who I ended up spending a little time with and he taught me a little about how to cast the rod and fly-fishing, in general. I have never fly-fished since that day but I let my guard down and was open to what turned into a wonderful learning experience and opportunity for me.

I ask you, 
What can you open yourself up to on this day?


"What you think of me is none of my business."
~Wayne Dyer

I think this quote basically sums up that everybody else's noise, negativity and comments should be kept at bay and not disrupt or negate any part of our lives in any way ever! Your opinions of me, your thoughts of me and your negativity is really none of my business. Thank you Wayne Dyer for all you offered and gave to us! Your work lives on and through us!


Photo: Mountain Sunrise by M-Pics via


  1. So true and I agree with his quote. We don't live by the approval of others. :)

    1. I think one of our biggest lessons is learning to love, care and fully approve of ourselves Sweety!
