Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Why I Love Kiva!

Did you know that you could have a huge impact on alleviating global poverty by giving small micro-loans to people all over the planet? Well, I've been a member of Kiva for a couple of years and I still love it and it’s still going strong. This site promotes entrepreneurship and empowerment in some of the most rural, remote and impoverished places and spaces all over the globe. Occasionally, Kiva will open up and give a $25 credit or trial for those who would like to check out the site and see how everything works. This money or credit is given so that potential lenders can try out and learn more about Kiva, their work and the many individuals, communities, and families that are helped through this micro-lending platform.
Learn More about getting a free $25 to lend from the Kiva platform http://bit.ly/1TPDd8y
Kiva is an innovative site that I'm proud to be a part of because they are helping people to transform their lives. You can choose to help borrowers who are contributing to and strengthening their families and communities while becoming self-sufficient and independent. I participate with this site because one of my major life goals is to become a true philanthropist. Kiva helps me to give consistently on a global scale and watch how people with very little, earn money, create businesses, form alliances and grow their lives and expand their worlds.
Kiva has also added Zip Loans. Through the Zip program, you are able to lend $5 loans to more entrepreneurs (including ones in the US)  and assist in their business and fundraising efforts to launch their enterprises!
Want to learn more about how Kiva works? If you have a true interest in alleviating poverty and making a difference all over the world, please visit: http://bit.ly/1TPDd8y
It's never to early to start giving back!

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