Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Seven Cures for a Lean Purse!

Seven Cures for a a Lean Purse: Adapted from The Richest Man in Babylon 
by George S. Clason
1) Learn to Save Pay yourself first. Put one tenth aside.
2) Get your finances in order. Create a budget.
3) Invest: Start small and make your money work for you.
4) Guard your Treasures: Don’t get caught up in “get rich schemes.” Don’t get sidetracked into thinking that you can become wealthy super quickly. Protect yourself from “tricky” investments.
5) Own your dwelling (house). Buying responsibly (if you can afford to do it can have long-lasting benefits).
6) Give thought and action to future days so that you will have money available in later days. Make sure to provide for yourself and family as you age.
7) Earn as much as you can while you can. Figure out how to increase your ability to earn. Become wiser and/or more skillful.

Pay your debts promptly. • Take care of your family and speak well of them. • Make a will. • Have compassion upon those who have been injured or hit by misfortune• Go and share your information amply.

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