Monday, July 13, 2020

Resonance: Can't Get Enough

Thank you James Corden for putting this video on YouTube! I cannot get enough of Billy Porter and his rendition from Gypsy!

All I can say is, Curtain Up, Light the Lights!

There's something to be said for serendipity. Clearly unexpected and clearly magnificent magic! Not prepared but always ready! I absolutely LOVE this segment and how it transpired during a commercial break.

Affirming words that popped up in my phone today:

I am crushing it.

I am abundant.

My business is good for the world.

I am bubbly.

I am affluent.

And remember, "Everything's coming up roses and daffodils and lollipops.......for me and you!" 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Resonance: Prosperity without Struggle

"You can have prosperity without the struggle." 
Abraham Hicks

Resonant Affirmations:

I am happy and successful in my work.

I am upbeat.

I am fantastic.

I am bliss.

I am prominent.

I am wow.

Making cash for fun
(Circulating and flowing coins and dollars):

Choose Happy:
By Vincius Altava

Friday, July 10, 2020

Resonance 6: What I'm Loving Today

What I'm Loving Today

I cannot believe it's the 10th day of July and we're still in "stay at home" mode. It's giving many of us the chance to think and do everything we can not to go too stir crazy.

I'm engaging with  Pam Grout on her challenge to be a "miracle finder or investigator." That's fun because it helps us to focus on what's going right or well in our lives now. So often, we can get mired into the muck with all that is going on in the world that we, sometimes need some reminding that there are many good things happening right before our very eyes (big and little GOOD things---reminding us that God or the Universe definitely has our backs).


If you need a vibe or energy boost, I definitely suggest heading over to Pam Grout's site to jump in and share miracles or read the incredible ones that are coming in from the participants everyday. If you want to do more playing and want to have even more fun, Catherine Behan's Invisible Money Game has lots of fun and abundance to be had as well.

Some thoughts that popped up in my phone today:

I am at peace with the world.

I am soulful.

I am worthy.

I am innovative.

I am appealing.

I am spirited.

A little beauty from my world:

sb middle west 2020

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Finding Resonance 5

A new day brings new thoughts and pictures of calm, of peace, of resonance.......

mad sky wi by sb 7-8

Some thoughts: 

I am adorable.

My body feels calm and light.

I am secure.

I am good.

I am calm, peaceful and centered.

My heart always shows the right way for me.

looking Across sb 7-8

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Finding and Feeling Resonance -Day 4

"Bring curiosity to everything you do and have fun!"
Pam Grout

Yesterday, I found out that one of my favorite writers launched a free week-long miracle finding party/experiment. How much fun is that? Pam Grout just launched a miracle party. The official start date is today so head over to her blog and most notably this post, "Now Recruiting Miracle Investigators" for more information.

I walk/hike every morning and wanted to take some current photos because abundance truly abounds. No matter what, there is beauty all around us if we take the time and open our eyes to look so enjoy.....

July 7 morning SB

July 7 morning SB

July 7 b-morning SB

July 7 -c-morning SB

Worth Repeating:
"Bring curiosity to everything you do and have fun!"
Pam Grout

Monday, July 6, 2020

Feeling Resonance 3

I love this and I just saw this image this morning on a post from a FB group post called Girl Loving Life. I do believe that when we feel loved, valued and supported----it is so easy to do this for others. It's simple: we must love, value and cherish ourselves first and then this happens naturally.

Feeling Good Tidbits:

"You are valuable as you are. (period--the end) No need for desperation or neediness. No need for comparison or judgment." Idil Ahmed

Everything is well in this moment.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Finding Resonance- Feeling Good 2

I don't think there is anything more important than finding your own sense of calm, of peace, of knowing. I think that is part of our plan here on this Earth. I am posting again to express on a daily basis where I'm finding resonance, where I'm finding fun, peace, calm and joy.


If it makes me feel good, I'm posting.

Statements/Affirmations that percolate for me today:

I love who I am!

My heart knows the way better than my mind.

I am my own superhero.

I am confident and secure with myself.

By being myself, I bring happiness to other people.

I am a healthy and happy person.

My happiness is my choice.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Finding Resonance- Feeling Good

It's been awhile since I posted and now since COV-19 has overtaken the world (for now, anyway), I've decided to do a bit of an update.

I want to dedicate some time to the idea of finding resonance. For me, finding resonance is all about feeling good. How can you feel good? What can you do at this time with so much unrest seemingly coming from all directions to feel good.

I've started a more formal meditation/mindful practice using an app! I strongly recommend something that you can easily add to your schedule with no fuss, with the only goal of just giving your mind a minute to just be, to just be free. For peace of mind, it's worth it!  I use the Headspace app and love it but I'm sure there are others that may be just as good and/or useful. This is my first time experimenting with this type of app and I love it!

I have also added a positive affirming app to my phone for the simple reason of getting a dose of "feel good" from my phone throughout the day. I like getting these little "happy" notifications and sometimes the reminder. Some of the statements hit me, they really resonate while others don't. It helps me focus in on the ones that are really for me. All affirming statements are not for everyone, the key is finding those that resonate with you (personally---that 's your super sauce, your super power).

I am worthy of doing things that bring me joy.

I choose to be relaxed in any situation.

I am calm.

I am not alone.

Loving and being loved is a wonderful feeling.

I trust my intuition and follow my heart.

I accept who I am and I feel beautiful.