User Friendly Inspiration: Wondering and Wandering
“Far away in the sunshine are my highest inspirations. I may not reach them, but can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead.”
~Louisa May Alcott
Question, what can we fantasize about achieving in life beyond the ordinary, beyond what we currently see?
It all starts in the imagination, in our minds and it all starts with our thoughts.
What kinds of thoughts are we replaying everyday in our heads?
Are we operating on automatic or are we taking time everyday to consciously focus on those things that actually matter in our lives? It’s makes a difference.
What do you image in your mind or tell yourself?
Are you complaining? Are you constantly talking about how hard it is to make ends meet and then wonder why this condition keeps showing up in your life?
You are creating it with your powerfully focused attention on that condition.
It is because you image it and remind yourself daily and it is so.
In your mind, do you see things working out or not.
One of my favorite mind mantras is, “Everything always works out for me. I just know that everything always works out for me.” I find these statements to be more effective than the alternative (like "nothing ever works out for me"). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I never have issues or challenges pop up but I sure move quicker through them than I have ever did before in my life. I’m sorry, life is too short to dwell in the negative, to give my power to anything that will drag me down to the gutter. I prefer to look and reach up as quickly as possible and connect to source.
There are many ways to connect to source (God, the universe, the creator or any other name that you prefer. Here are a few of my favorites.
1) 15 minute meditation. There are some quick and easy ones available on YouTube or you can choose to sit in a chair and focus on a sound, or a hum (refrigerator, birds outside) that will help you clear your mind and just focus. Sometimes, if I am having trouble of just clearing my mind, I will silently state, “Thank you, thank you, thank you” and it helps to calm and focus me.
2) Prayer. Written (silent) or Affirmed (out loud) always helps you to recognize and acknowledge a Higher Power (as well as help you to reconnect to source).
3) Going for a walk, getting outside in Nature. As the weather breaks, it’s much easier for us in 4 season states to begin to enjoy the blossoming of Spring and revel in the newness of another season (puts our lives and worlds in perspective).
4) Journaling can help you get your thoughts out and allow you to clear your head. Some individuals also use their writing to consult and talk to Source. I like making daily gratitude lists so that I acknowledge all of the expected and unexpected good that comes into my life.
5) Music. Music is a wonderful way to get uplifted and for some a way to connect to Source. I personally love inspirational songs that help me remember that I’m strong, I’m possible and created to soar!
We have been given a powerful gift that we can use for our benefit or detriment. When we choose to use our imagination, we realize that we can leap, create, accomplish any thing that our heart desires. We can begin to see our lives in new and renewed ways. We can see our futures as we have never dreamed them before. We can begin to dwell on these thoughts and create a new life before any one thing changes in our actual physical life but to get to the physical, the stuff, we have to see and believe it in our minds, our imagination. You have to image it and feel it.
What would you like to see or have happen in your life today?
Can you see it? Can you feel what it would be like to have, be or do it?
Is it clear? Write it down. Get into it. Dwell on it. Live it out loud first in your mind. Write down as many of the juicy details as you can. Feel it!
“The body travels more easily than the mind and until we’ve limbered up our imagination, we continue to think as though we had stayed home.”
~John Erksine
"May our bodies take us to spaces and places where our minds
can wander and wonder."